Regulatory Framework

As of July 2019  the competence  for the organization and functioning of the coalition at national, European and international level was transferred to the General Secretariat of Digital Governance and Simplification of Procedures of the Ministry of Digital Governance,  specifically to the Department of Digital Economy, Investments and Digital Skills/  Directorate of Digital Strategy.

(PD 40/15-04-2020-   Official Government Gazette No 85, vol. Α΄ article 18 (5 ιβ))

Legal documentation describing the composition of the coalition

  1. Establishment/ creation  of the committee entitled Greek National Coalition for Digital Skills and Jobs    Official Government Gazette No 1876/B/24-05-2018
  2. Α’ Amendment of the Ministerial Decision  establishing the committee National Coalition
  3. Β’ Amendment of the Ministerial Decision  establishing the committee National Coalition